A bit about myself
Hello! I'm Kai Karolin. I am an artist. Viewer. Reflector. I am an art teacher by education, then a graphic designer, a freelance graphic designer and now a certified nature therapist!!!
Alates 2021 kirjutan raamatuid. Asjaolude sunnil ei saanud ma tookord prille kanda. Seega ei saanud ei lugeda, sotsiaalmeedias hängida ega joonistadagi mitte. Võtsin osa “Noorte kirjanike” töötoast. Üks jätkuvaid teemasid, mida seal käsitleti, oli “Kuidas saada inspiratsiooni”
Mõtlesin, mis selle inspiratsiooniga siis nii erilist peaks olema?! Mina istun paberi ja pastakaga maha, tõmban esimese joone – ja nii joonistus ISE kujunebki. Kas siis kirjutada niiviisi ei saa või?
Pikutasin diivanile (ilma prillideta!!), lülitasin recorderi sisse ja alustasin “lambist” jutustamist…
Niiviisi jäingi omi raamatuid looma: alul jutustan loo spontaanselt peatükkide viisi recorderisse ja seejärel toksin teksti arvutisse. Toimetamise periood on aeganõudev.
Esimene e-pub “Naine seikleb”
Viies raamat – “Teemeister” on hetkel keeletoimetaja töölaual.
I am inspired to draw by a nice feeling or a discovery. I empty my mind, touch a piece of paper with a pencil and draw my first spontaneous line - an ideogram. The rest comes gradually, depending on what appears on the paper. That way, I never know in advance what the drawing will look like.
As I am still in love with the computer, I scan my drawing digitally, remove the noise and create a graphical page with the tools of the program.

Start of pencil drawing
I bought a box of crayons - just for fun, so it would be different when I draw at night before I go to bed. As usual, the drawing turned out monochrome. I was lost in thought as I finished the girl's leg, while my hand chose one colour, then another, then another. Oh! What is this?
I could feel physically what her foot was like in the slipper: with finer bones, soft muscles. The slipper, however, is made of cloth, velvety, purple, rubberised, edged with stiffer ribbons, with a soft sole...
Lord, how exciting! And I stuck to crayons for the rest. I've always seen the world in colour. My black-and-white graphics are just a conversion of colour.
There is one more thing. Most of my pictures are not verbally narrative. They convey information or a mood to the viewer through the emotion that was there when I was drawing. I've noticed that this energy doesn't change even if the drawing is copied or reduced. One piece was drawn only in pastel pencil on A3 paper, scanned into the computer in several parts, retouched, reduced and finally printed on A4. I gave it as a gift to a friend and she said that the image spoke to her in a special way.
Here's the story. But for me, the image that has been passed on to others is gone from me. The personal magic of it is gone for me, and that's why I've been doing recent work just for myself. But viewers talk about the power of my images - so the power went where it needed to go!
As you can see, the website also has an e-shop - this is where the exchange of energy and power takes place
You are welcome!
Oled teretulnud!
Below I will introduce my drawings and graphics for almost an hour and a half ! Enjoy!